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Helpers Are Everywhere

Dear 3rd and 4th graders, It has been such a pleasure having you in class. I have never met such passionate and dedicated students. You...

Hard Workers

1st and 2nd Graders, Seeing your smiles always makes me smile! I love how excited you get about art class and your enthusiasm for...

Little Artists

Dear PK Students, It has been so much fun playing and creating with you! From exploring primary colors to discovering shapes, and how to...

Hey Look Ma, We Made It

Good Morning! Happy Friday girls and boys! Can you believe it? It's our last Friday of the school year! Time has gone by so quickly!...

Looking Ahead

Good Morning Eagles! Today I was at school finishing up sorting your artwork and cleaning up the art room. I can't believe it's been so...

Rise and Shine

Good Morning Everyone! In the wake of George Floyd's death and the following protests around the world, including locally, I will be...

Winding Down

Good Afternoon everyone! Another busy day today! Why am I so busy? I have been at school getting your art ready to return to you and...

Monday Madness!

Good Evening Girls and Boys! Today has been such a crazy day, I almost didn't get a digiart post in! But I haven't missed one yet, so I'm...

Weekly Category Challenge

Good morning Eagles! Are you ready for the next category challenge? Here it is: A DORITO - A YIELD SIGN - A SLICE OF PIZZA What do these...

Moving Forward Still

Happy Friday Eagles! Today's color of the day is Heather! Today's art quote is: "Creative minds inspire others." -Unknown Here's my...

Alma Thomas

Good Morning Everyone! Yesterday I posted a list of African American artists who I hoped would inspire you. Today and tomorrow, I will...

Math Riddle of the Week

Good morning learners! Here is this week's math riddle: What weighs more: a pound of feathers or a pound of iron? Post your answers and...

Stand Together

Good Morning everyone! In the past few days there has been a lot of trouble, and a lot of hate. It's not okay. Every person deserves to...

Blog: Blog2
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