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More Suffix Questions

I got some good feedback about the suffix post, so here are a few more questions that I will provide (answers to come on Wednesday)....

Read, Write, Draw!

Hello Callahan friends, I thought it would be fun to write and draw. But before we get to the drawing, we will listen to the story,...

Read all about it!

Good morning Eagles! Happy Friday! Another week has passed, and though it may feel way longer than that, think of all you've gotten done...

Math Games to Play Outside

Callahan Eagles, are you looking to play some fun math games outside? Check out these two websites for some fun ideas to keep you moving...

Suffix sentence answers

Here are the answers for the 5 questions I posted on Monday: 1. Dad bought a new grill that is port_able__ to take on a picnic. 2. The...

If I could... I would...

Wow! Two posts today! There was just so much information I had to share, I thought it best to split things up. My technology is acting up...

Important Updates!

Good morning Callahan Eagles! I have some updates for you! I will be posting on ClassDojo on our school story starting Monday, and I will...

I love hue

Good morning everyone! The sun is finally out today! I hope everyone has a chance to go outside and get some fresh air. I know being...

Scavenger Hunts!

Callahan Eagles, are you ready for some fun? Take that spirit of adventure you have and go on an indoor or outdoor scavenger hunt. Enjoy!

Art Jams

Good Morning boys and girls! My apologies, I'm not able to get a video up today. My technology is being funky and frustrating. Hopefully...

History in the Making!

Hi Everyone! I sure do miss seeing you all every day and hope you're well. I am hoping to set up a zoom session soon with my 5th graders!...

Suffixes and sentences, oh my!

Hi Ms. Rowe's students! I hope you are all staying healthy and safe during this time. I thought I would post a suffix activity for you to...

Let's ZOOM again!

Hello First Grade Friends! I was so happy to some cute little faces this morning! I wanted to set up an evening meeting because I know...

Bugs for lunch anyone?

Hi everyone! Mrs. Paiva here! Imagine adding bugs to our lunch menu?! Well, I came across this interesting article where one kid is...

Math Fun with Mrs. Koutoulas :)

Calling all Callahan Eagles! Take a peek at this video for some fun math games you can play at home to practice your math facts. Take...

Remote Learning Menus

Hello First Grade Parents! There are 2 "Learning Menus" posted on the website. If you pick one item from each column per...

Blog: Blog2
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